Monday, April 20, 2015

The Service Dog Farce

Deric claims that his pit bull is a PTSD service dog.  We believe this to be an outright lie and challenge him to prove otherwise.  

Friday, April 17, 2015

Explaining Away the Begging

Deric Lostutter claims that he does not beg everyday.  His explanation is that he is offering services for donations.  Not so fast grasshopper.  You DO beg and end your begging with "here's the donate link".   A donation is a donation.  By his own admissions he has made over $5400 in almost two months.  He had a donation drive to move into his house.  He has had donation drives to pay his fines in Kentucky, and donation drives to pay for medical bills incurred because he claims that his cat gave him scabies which is ridiculous as mange cannot be transferred to humans.

CAT SCABIES of all things.  

The level in which he stoops to get sympathy from his followers is unbelievable.  

But you can bet he will be asking for donations for something or another because he can't make his bills or can't pay the rent, yet he eats better than most folks that are giving him their hard earned money.  Curious about where the donations go?  Read the donations post.

What happens when you don't pay Deric Lostutter?

He attempts to humiliate you on the internet.  Time and time again this has happened.  When you dont' do what Deric wants he will use any and all information against you in order to shame you.  A woman came to Deric by the suggestion of her friend who is a supporter of Deric.  She told him her story and when he said he charges $100 to "help" she told him that she didn't have the money to pay for his help.  It was then that Deric became abusive and accused her of not being a good mother.  But that wasn't good enough for Deric.  As he has done in the past, he posted her information on his KYAnonymous facebook page and asked his followers to turn her into CPS.  You can see the screen shots by clicking the link.

Altruism does not come with a price.  You do it because you genuinely want to help others but we all know that Deric doesn't care about helping his bottom line is your wallet.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Begging for Legal Defense Fund

Yesterday's plight was the dog is sick...the "PTSD service dog" that's not really a registered service animal but it is because Deric says so and today Deric is begging for funds for a legal defense fund because he has name squatted a domain to harass an autistic man.

Deric Boasts About Donations

Deric is still bragging about the donations he receives but continues to beg for money everyday.

Deric Lostutter Hates Steubenville

Deric Lostutter is still trying to use Steubenville to stay relevant.  For weeks he has threatened that he has information to implicate Steubenville schools in discrimination against a student. So far nothing.

Deric should be putting as much time into finding a job and keeping it.


Deric is being paid to harass Jasper Steed who runs autism smiles LLC.  Steed has issued a cease and desist.