Friday, April 17, 2015

Explaining Away the Begging

Deric Lostutter claims that he does not beg everyday.  His explanation is that he is offering services for donations.  Not so fast grasshopper.  You DO beg and end your begging with "here's the donate link".   A donation is a donation.  By his own admissions he has made over $5400 in almost two months.  He had a donation drive to move into his house.  He has had donation drives to pay his fines in Kentucky, and donation drives to pay for medical bills incurred because he claims that his cat gave him scabies which is ridiculous as mange cannot be transferred to humans.

CAT SCABIES of all things.  

The level in which he stoops to get sympathy from his followers is unbelievable.  

But you can bet he will be asking for donations for something or another because he can't make his bills or can't pay the rent, yet he eats better than most folks that are giving him their hard earned money.  Curious about where the donations go?  Read the donations post.


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